A few pointers to help you get ready - A lot of these are common sense. But an hour or so thinking about them before hand will sharpen your response.
I have read my final CV and can explain grades and career choices to date?
I have printed copies of my final CV to take to the interview.
I have prepared 3 reasons why I want a career in
the industry.
I know how to explain my biggest achievements.
I have prepared 3 reasons why I want to work in the environment.
I have prepared reasons why I want to work for the specific company.
I know what the role involves on a day to day basis.
I know the main skills I need to succeed.
I know where I have previously demonstrated these needed skills.
I know my strengths and weaknesses.
I have a basic understanding of the company structure
I know how to explain my personal goals for the next 3-5 years
I have prepared at least 5 questions for the interviewer.
I look the part – smart and professional.
I know where I am going.
I am ready to sell myself and ask what the next steps are!
Good luck we are rooting for you!
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